As TAHMO, we value and respect individual fundamental rights, and modern slavery does not suit our goals or how we operate as it conforms to crimes and violations of these rights. TAHMO frowns on all activities related to modern slavery, in whatever way being slavery, forced and coercive labor, servitude, and all the other activities relating to modern slavery.
We are committed to ensuring that there is transparency in our operations and approaches to dealing with modern slavery, so we expect the same standards from all those we work with (contractors, partners, and everyone in our supply chain).
All complaints should be made via
When dealing with TAHMO, you must ensure to read, understand and comply with this policy. It is in our best interest that everyone gets treated the right way with no infringements, so no one suffers bad treatment. Kindly report any act you see to be in the form of slavery to TAHMO management.
The implementation of this policy should be communicated to all TAHMO staff, contractors, subcontractors, interns, and other stakeholders to ensure its understanding and adherence throughout the organization.
TAHMO will do regular reviews and auditing to ensure an effective modern slavery policy and remain current and effective.
After proper investigation, and anyone found breaching this policy, will face disciplinary action which could result in verbal or written warning, demotion, suspension, termination of work, transfer, and reduction in salary.
We may terminate our relationship with other individuals and organisations working on our behalf if this policy is breached.