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TAHMO Attended GSMA MWC Meeting

In October, representatives from TAHMO in Rwanda and Tanzania embarked on a transformative journey to the GSMA MWC Kigali Series. The GSMA, a global organization dedicated to unifying the mobile ecosystem and driving innovation for positive change in both business and society, set the stage for an inspiring gathering.

Spatial and seasonal patterns of rainfall erosivity in the Lake Kivu region

In the Lake Kivu region, water erosion is the main driver for soil degradation, but observational data to quantify the extent and to assess the spatial-temporal dynamics of the controlling factors are hardly available. Download PDF

The Trans‐African Hydro‐Meteorological Observatory (TAHMO)

In this opinion article, we present the Trans‐African Hydro‐Meteorological Observatory (TAHMO). The goal of TAHMO is to develop a dense network of hydro‐meteorological measurement stations throughout sub‐Saharan Africa. On average, there will be one station per 1000 km2

Validation of IMERG precipitation in Africa

Understanding of hydroclimatic processes in Africa has been hindered by the lack of in situ precipitation measurements. Satellite-based observations, in particular, the TRMM Multisatellite Precipitation Analysis (TMPA) have been pivotal to filling this void

Precipitation characteristics in West and East Africa from satellite and in situ observations

Using in situ data, three precipitation classes are identified for rainy seasons of West and East Africa: weak convective rainfall (WCR), strong convective rainfall (SCR), and mesoscale convective systems (MCSs)