John Selker
John Selker is a Distinguished Professor of hydrology at Oregon State University and the Co-Director of TAHMO. His research and development work explores novel sensing methods for critical water resource management problems. He has worked and carried out research in the USA, Chile, Somalia, Kenya, Ghana, Senegal, Israel, China, and across Europe. His active research activities are presented in 220 peer reviewed articles related to Water Resources Science and Engineering and one text book on soil hydrology. He is currently the leader of the National Science Foundation Center for Transformative Measurement Programs, and recently completed a 4-year term as Editor of Water Resources Research. His Open-Sensing.org lab employs 40 undergraduates developing transformational instrumentation for earth observation. He was honored in 2013 as a Fellow of the American Geophysical Union, and was a 2013 recipient of the John Hem Award for Science and Technology from the American Groundwater Association. In 2020 Selker was elected President of the American Geophysical Union Hydrology Section (7,000 members).