As an offshoot of the School-2-School Program, the University-2-University program is developed to facilitate linkages between University teams from around the world. Qualifying Universities will have access to TAHMO weather data for research purposes including development of new content for TAHMO, designing for climate sensing technology, and exploring the nature of the African weather and climate. Universities who are interested are encouraged to email TAHMO’s educational coordinator.
Objectives: Have a compelling linkage to and between University teams around the world to develop new content for TAHMO, and to explore the nature of the African weather and climate.
Participation Opportunities:
- School mentoring – Universities can choose to be paired with a local participating primary or secondary school from the S2S program. This mentor partnership can consist of monthly activities (in classroom lesson plans using the TAHMO data), or a variety of other educational opportunities.
- Development of teaching materials
- Research using TAHMO weather data
- Participate in TAHMO challenges
- Work on sensor technology
- Collaborate with other Universities on any of the above
Membership Requirements:
- Charter an agreement with TAHMO and their sister institution
- Each University is required to have an active student group, with an up-to-date membership list that includes contact information for the officers (minimum of 2 persons) and the faculty mentor. Each participating university will have their own section on the U2U website with the contact information and a description of current projects that must updated each year.
- Choose at least one participation opportunity
- Each U2U team is expected to contribute at least one entry per year to the TAHMO newsletter
***Link to University-2-University external website soon to come***