Rolf Hut

Rolf Hut holds a MSc in Physics from Delft University of Technology investigating the flow of groundwater around sub-surface dams. This led to his Ph.D in applications of sensor technologies and time series analysis in water resources management. Currently he is a Postdoc at Delft University of Technology, where his research covers the entire spectrum of hydrological data (sensor design, processing of data streams and incorporating data in predictive models). His main research focus is the eWaterCycle project that will build an operational hyper resolution (1 x 1 km) global hydrological model based on ground and satellite measurements. Dr. Hut is co-founder of Disdrometrics. He also teaches undergraduate civil engineering and co-led the 2013 TAHMO Sensor Design Competition. Dr. Hut’s other TAHMO activities entail the supervision of TAHMO MSc/BSc students and the development of new sensing technologies, and community outreach.