School2School Lesson plans

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAOne of TAHMO’s main objectives is to bring hands-on, exploratory, and cross-cultural educational opportunities to African students, where low-resource environments require creative methods of promoting STEM (Science Technology Engineering Mathematics) education. TAHMO integrates environmental sensing into the classroom by installing on-site weather stations at schools, allowing students to access real-time data from sensors monitoring their very own front yard. Now TAHMO is launching S2S Lesson Plans, a suite of lesson guides spanning weather, climate, earth science, physics, design, and business concepts for teachers around the world. S2S lesson plans will help strengthen the capacity of teachers to utilize their weather data and inspire citizen science projects between partner schools.

In March, Leah Tai visited a Kenyan Ministry of Education training session in Kisumu, Kenya, to meet with principals and teachers and share TAHMO’s new lesson plan resources. Several geography, physics, math, and biology teachers provided feedback about a sample of TAHMO’s new materials. Leah conducted informal interviews with teachers discussing practical activities they already incorporate into their teaching, identifying priority areas for creating new lesson plan content, and brainstorming ideas for new activities together.

The S2S Program will continue to create lesson plans for teachers while also compiling successful ideas from teachers in Africa, the USA, and the Netherlands. Want to know more about the S2S lesson plans? Have a look at these examples: The Carbon CycleThe Weight of Air and Air PressureAcoustic Rain Gauge or send an email to s2s@tahmo.org.


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